Oh my, I took quite the haitus! There were some changes in my life, so my apologies for the dry spell. But I haven't stopped thinking about writing! That being said, at dinner one night, I saw a gal dressed like a cliched china doll. No joke-- not chinoiserie stye, but full on cheongsam, super long hair in a ponytail, complete with chopsticks spiked through. As an Asian woman myself, I stared in disbelief. She was on a date looking like she came straight out of a Chinese Barbie box. And I wondered, if she was on a date with an Asian man, would she have dressed like this? Or did she dress like precisely because she was on a date with a white dude? We all use fashion to express ourselves, so what kind of message was she trying to send? Curiouser and curiouser...
Anyway, what do you think? Tacky and cliched? Or ethnic pride? Chinese ladies, would you wear a similar outfit on a date?