Monday, February 28, 2011

Other than the Oscars

For my inaugural post, I shall make only a brief mention of the Oscars.  (Since you can't talk about fashion without saying something about such a fashionable night!  But there were also be many, many articles of the sort.)

  • Halle Berry (Does she ever not look stunning?)
  • Mila Kunis (gorgeous color, gorgeous detail)
  • Natalie Portman (wish I could've looked that good while pregnant!)
  • Scarlett Johansson (a hot mess)
  • Nicole Kidman (so terrible, I'm at a loss for words)
  • Melissa Leo (a giant doily)
  • Gwyneth Paltrow (like a roll of foil)
 So moving on...

Will someone please explain jeggings to me?  I have a difficult enough time trying to justify leggings, especially when the top stops at the waist, and thereby doesn't cover the appropriate areas.  And skinny jeans are just atrocious.  They just make skinny girls look too skinny and healthy girls look heavier.  (Plus, it's not okay when guys start wearing fashion trends that were meant for women.)  So why combine two hideous trends?  GAH!  Please stop the jeggings.  I implore you.  :)